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PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE – St. Charles Lwanga Technical Institute – Butende


St Charles Lwanga Technical Institute Butende (BTI) is a Private Church founded institution of the Masaka Catholic Diocese, registered by Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) and a member of Uganda Association of Private Vocational Institutions (UGAPRIVI). It was established in the 1982 after the 1979-80 war in Uganda, many families in Masaka Diocese were left homeless hence many children became orphans and needy! The leadership of Masaka Diocese thought it wise to start up a skills/vocational training school. It is located 110 Kms south of Uganda capital Kampala in Masaka District. Students enrolled are from low/average income families and vulnerable communities especially youths.

The school currently offers both Technical and Business courses at National Certificate and National Diploma levels, these include; Building Construction, Woodwork Technology, Fashion & Design, Plumbing & Metalwork, Automotive mechanics, Electrical sytems & Maintenance, Secretarial & Office Management, Accountancy & Finance, Business Management. All students are equipped with Basic IT skills. Our students are assessed and awarded by a National Examining body – Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB). We also offer Short and Non-formal training for those who don’t have Ordinary level, they are assessed by Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT).

The Administration and Management of St. Charles Lwanga Technical Institiute Butende is guided by the Board of Governors which is appointed by the Bishop Masaka Diocese Rt. Rev. Serverus Jjumba and the Dioceasan Education Secretariat at Kitovu. Mangaement is led by the Principal working with the resident Director/Chaplain (now Rev. Fr. Kizito Kaganda Musaale). We are proud of the teamwork and cooperation that enables us to keep on track. We aim at remaining the best skills provider in Masaka Diocese and beyond.

As we celebrate 40 years of Butende Technical Institute, I am humbled to honor all those who served as managers & administrators since the foundation of this school in 1982. Gratitude to the Late Bishop Adrian K. Ddungu, KAB partners in Germany, Fr. Gerald Mukwaya(RIP), Fr. Mutyaba (RIP), Prof. Fr. Joseph B. Kato, Fr. Bonny Kalyesubula, Fr. Kiggundu Vincent, Fr. Evarist Lubega(RIP), Fr. Simon Peter Kamulegeya, Principal Kirumira(RIP), Mr. Joseph Mbuga(RIP), Mzee Appolinali Nkuke(RIP), Mr. Alphonse Kakooza-Kaweesi, Mr. Sseruwu Stephen among others. In a special way, we remember our beloved departed former members of staff, old students, partners and friends of BTI.

We are grateful for all kind of support rendered by different stakeholders; Rt. Rev. Serverus Jjumba – Bishop of Masaka Diocese, Diocesan Education Secretariat, MADDO, parents/guardians, organisations sponsoring students, old students, employers, companies, international & local partners, MoES, UBTEB, DIT among many. We wish to thank the Government of Uganda, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Sports and Masaka City Council for the guidance and moral support that enabled us go through the Covid 19 pandemic with no death registered in our school.

On such an important occasion, we salute the supervisors and policy makers the Board of Governors; Fr. George William Lubega (Chairman), Mrs. Agnes Mary Mayanja (Vice Chairperson), Fr. Raphael Ssemmanda, Mrs. Cissy N. Bbuka, Mr. John E. Ssekagya, Mr. Ssebwana Richard Mbaati, Mr. Mbidde Francis, Mr. Matovu Frank Sales, Mr. Matovu Vicent, Mr. Yiga Robert, Fr. Edward Anselm Ssemwogere, Mrs. Nabaweesi Annet.

The effort of our beloved teachers for the transformation of our generation is highly notable; the level of expertise and professionalism exhibited is really commendable. The students’ leadership since 1982 to date has been remarkable.

As a corporate social responsibility, Butende Technical Institute offers bursaries through Kabaka Education Fund, Religious entities, orphans and vulnerable organizations, individuals and neighboring families and community.

Finally, I extend our heartfelt appreciation to your Lordship Rt. Rev. Serverus Jjumba, Bishop of Masaka Diocese for honoring our function. I take the honor to thank all those who have spared to read this publication and attended the 40 years anniversary celebrations.



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