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DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE – St. Charles Lwanga Technical Institute – Butende


Our distinguished guests, the Bishop, parents, partners in Germany and U.S.A, our beloved students and all friends of Butende Technical Institute: as we celebrate 40 years of BTI existence, I look back in gratitude and thank God’s kind providence manifested in the remarkable growth over this period.

From the past 40 years, it is event and clear on the face of it that ST. CHARLES LWANGA our patron has been a key pillar for the entire achievements one can mark.

Indeed, each journey begins with a STEP; in this manner, I thank God for the gift of life and brilliant idea he gave to Mr. Helmuth Endl and the late Bishop A. K. Ddungu who founded this institution in 1982. Consequently, I am grateful to all those who cooperated well with them namely; Maier’s family in Stuttgart, Mr. Apolinali Nkuke (late) the first Butende carpentry workshop Manager Fr. Gerald Mukwaya (late) the first director and Prof. Fr. Joseph Kato Bitole by then a diocesan treasurer. May God reward them all.

As we celebrate 40 years of BTI’s existence, I am glad to report to you that the institute as registered a steady progress, vividly seen in; Number of course added, structures, building elected, modern system of Books of accounts, equipped workshop additional number of qualified instructors/ teachers in different courses, beautification of the institute compound for peaceful learning environment, bigger computer laboratory and others.

Given the rich fruits in the 40 years, experience as proved that BTI produces quality (skilled) students, known of producing quality work and new innovations, based on intellectual and technical knowledge they acquire in all trades offered and well accompanied by regular spiritual activities.

In this journey then it is remarkable that students now come from good/ quality secondary school allover with the purpose of acquiring skill training as a step to their aspiration to further levels in engineering/ business fields.

As we celebrate dear friends, our institute has expanded in corporation with external technical knowledge such as Germany Senior Experten Services (SES) trainers sent regularly to train our teachers and students as a way to produce a competent person/ crafts man.

It is now a voice to call upon all who read this to let go “SKILLING UGANDA”



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